Ariel Rodriguez


Feb 6th, 2021

Crypto Currency Data Exchange

When I imagined what I wanted in a dashboard, I thought of clean, minimal design, and only relevant information mattered for me.

Crypto Currency Data Exchange
window-paragraphCrypto Currency Data Exchange
About The Project

Here is my take on what I wanted in a crypto dashboard. I tried to track the currencies I was interested/invested in, relevant information that was important to me, and above all, minimal.

I ran into many implementation issues and spent more time than I'd like to admit figuring out how to build this dashboard. In the end, I omitted more than I wanted but was satisfied with the result. I'll touch more on that in the post.

Some Project Details
Design by Omission.
Crypto Trading Tracker
Crypto Trading Tracker

"Feature Rich" by omission.

I started this build as I do most of my builds, I brainstorm, research, prototype, and move on to the final build. Where I stumbled was during my brainstorming session. I had grandiose plans to add a Twitter feed that would count the number of times one of my selected "coins" were mentioned on Twitter and would have some tracker to keep a tally of the mentions. I would then use that data and somehow correlate it to the "coin" price.

Simple enough, right? Here's is where I ran into my first problem, how do I conflate that data. I spent some time researching this exactly, and I realized that talented, smart, and thoughtful data scientists are still trying to figure this out. I had to step back, remove my most prominent feature, realize even if I did get this to work, it had no meaning to me; therefore, it shouldn't be in the app.

Losing this feature caused a domino effect of sorts. I removed almost 50% of what I wanted to accomplish, and in the end, I was satisfied with my choices.

Brainstorm, Research, Prototype, and Build.

8Bit Blockbuster
8Bit Blockbuster
8Bit Blockbuster

I was pretty close to letting this build get away from me. It used to happen to me all the time. I would think of all these ideas, of course, not write anything down and start coding. It wasn't until I started having a more disciplined approached that I would have a greater completion rate of my builds.

I have countless unfinished builds. Some are just single components. Others are unfinished projects. They all suffered the same fate.

One of the challenges (for me) when removing features is I can sometimes lose interest in the project, I was lucky those feelings didn't arise in the build, but I'm sure I may not be so fortunate in the future.

Stack, Repository, & Resources.

Project Stack

Github Repository
